How Has a Vehicle Changed Your Life?

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“[With the Tahoe gifted by OnRamp] I got a job and helped my son graduate high school last year. It helped get [my kids] and I to doctor appointments and me to the event I am a vendor at with my small business twice a year at St Francis Wolf Sanctuary in Navasota.”


“Since receiving my OnRamp car, I started a business, and I bought a house!.. It drove me to/from Chemo and a plethora of doctor visits while I underwent breast cancer treatments… It has allowed me to serve as the women's ministry leader at Celebrate Recovery.”


“I’m a dialysis patient and have treatment in center three times a week. Having reliable transportation has given me the ability to constantly arrive on time for treatment. This is crucial for me. I’m also getting put on Houston Methodist transplant list soon and being able to travel to Houston is also beneficial for future transplant. By the Grace of God I’m glad to say that I have a living donor. Extremely Grateful.”


“My vehicle has given me a renewed sense of freedom. It has allowed me do things that, for many, many months, were not an option… Things at my job, such as new opportunities, possibilities for advancement and more money are presenting themselves.”