OnRamp Instructional Videos

All but the last of these are REQUIRED viewing for all OnRamp clients before receiving a vehicle. These videos are also available on OnRamp’s YouTube Channel.


Safe Driving 101

Essential skills for driving safely and making your vehicle last as long as possible. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

Auto Insurance 101

Ever wonder how auto insurance works and what words like PIP mean? Here's a rundown of the essentials of insurance that will help you find the coverage you need to protect your vehicle. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

What to Do if you Have an Accident

Car accidents happen every day. If it happens to you, here's what to do to stay safe and get the help that you need to get back behind the wheel. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

What to Do if your Car Breaks Down

A quick overview of what to do if your car breaks down on the side of the road. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

Vehicle Maintenance 101

A quick overview of essential under-the-hood maintenance for your vehicle, focused on checking the oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

When to Take your Car to a Mechanic

Learn the signs that your car needs to go to a mechanic ASAP. We divide these into RED FLAGS which mean you need to turn the car off as fast as safely possible and have it towed to a mechanic, and YELLOW FLAGS which mean you need to drive the car to a mechanic as soon as you can. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

Tire Care 101

Learn how to care for your tires and make them last as long as possible. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

How to Change a Tire

Learn how to safely change a tire on your vehicle. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

Batteries 101

Essential information about car batteries and what to do if yours dies. REQUIRED watching for all OnRamp clients.

Note that “How to Jump Start your Car” video is still in process. In the meantime, if you do take the risk to jump start a car, CAREFULLY follow the instructions that came with your jumper cables.

How to Buy a Used Car… and Not Get Scammed!

Learn the essential steps to buying a used car safely and wisely so you aren't defrauded or taken advantage of. Don't become yet another victim of a shady seller!


Disclaimer: Any information available on this channel and on the videos on this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a mechanic, agent, financial advisor or other qualified professional. Although OnRamp takes care to ensure the contents of this channel and the videos found on this channel are accurate, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is’. OnRamp makes no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained in the videos and on this channel. OnRamp shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content. OnRamp assumes no liability of any kind, including but not limited to, property damage or injury, incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. OnRamp recommends safe practices when working on or operating vehicles. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video and this channel is the sole responsibility of the viewer/user and not OnRamp. OnRamp may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel.