The couple that wet-vacs cars together stays together :-) Big thanks to my wife Julie for taking a break from her job to help me get this car ready.
Join us in celebrating OnRamp client #89. We actually shared this family’s story with you two months ago when they were parked on our waiting list. The mom, dad, and three kids rely on a single vehicle: a 20 year old SUV with a failing transmission, no AC or heater, and only 1 working window. And when it rains, the car leaks. When they initially applied, they estimated their weekly travel to be 200 miles. But when we asked them to actually track it, it turned out to be 500 miles per week! The wife would take the husband to work, then get the kids to school. Then go to her own job. Then take care of her ailing parents out of town. Then go get the kids. Then get her husband from work. They commute all over the Brazos Valley every day.
Clearly, they needed help. Fortunately, a ministry of Grace Bible Church nominated them to OnRamp. Their advocate said of the mom, “She is the most selfless and thoughtful person I know. What she has, she uses to best serve and love others. Whether it's making blankets for those in need, watching her own and other peoples kids, or inviting me over for their family dinner, she is there and eager to reach out. She loves unconditionally and I look up to her passion for others.”
Fortunately, God had the perfect vehicle in mind: a mint-condition, 2013 Toyota Prius (pictured above with half of our vehicle team, Chip, Rami, and yours truly). It gets over 50 miles-to-the-gallon on the highway! OnRamp could not afford a vehicle like this at fair market value. But a kind family offered it to us at half price, and now our sweet clients have exactly the vehicle to provide for their extensive commute. We gave it to them last Friday at the same time we gave Sue her Yaris. We’re keeping this family’s identity and pictures private, but we can still all celebrate how gracious and wise God is to provide such a perfect provision for their need.