Twenty-two hundred years ago, Archimedes said “Give me a lever long enough and I shall move the world.” Levers are simple tools that multiply force, enabling a person to move massive loads. That is precisely what the gift of a reliable vehicle at the right time offers to a hard-working individual. It is simply a tool that multiplies the impact of his or her heroic efforts, increasing the odds of long-term success.
This lever image came to my mind as we donated a reliable Honda CRV to Angelica, our 183rd client last week. This single mom of three works full-time for Brazos Valley Coalition of Government’s County Indigent Health Program. Here’s the key: notice how her advocate described her to us.
“Angelica has a very strong work ethic and has shown her growing expertise in her department. I envision her in a leadership role down the road. She is a person that just needed a good opportunity... From the moment I interviewed her, I could see her potential and told her so in that moment. She is so worth it!”
She’s already doing the work. She’s already impressing her employer and learning all she can. She is on the road to success. She just needed a tool to multiply her efforts so she can provide the greatest possible future for her kids. That’s where OnRamp enters the picture. We gifted her not only a vehicle but also a full year of free maintenance and ongoing support to supercharge her own efforts. Now we pray that with our help and her advocate’s ongoing care, Angelica will rise to leadership and fulfill her God-given potential. Please join with us in praying for God’s strength, love, and power for her and all of our 183 clients. May He lengthen the lever in their hands so they can move the world for the good of their families!
Angelica and her advocate, Jan.