A Hand Up

This is client 168, to whom we gifted a vehicle eleven months ago. We are keeping her identity private, but can share that this young single mom was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her child’s father. She moved to BCS to find safety and to enroll in college and pursue a degree in nursing. She’s involved in her church and committed to growing as a mother, which is how she connected with her advocate who trained her in parenting skills. When we asked her what she was looking most forward to with her new car, she said taking her son to the park to ride his bike and to the library to read books. Until then, these were, in her words, “luxuries” she couldn’t afford due to the high cost of Uber. Now she and her son visit the park and library regularly. She’s making measurable progress towards a college degree and a good paying job. They get to church and to the doctor whenever they need. OnRamp’s hand up has made life for this deserving mom and her son “abundantly better”!

This fall, we’re doing something different. We’re thrilled to kick-off "A Hand Up: OnRamp Stories of Triumph." We always share our clients' “before” stories - what life was like before they received their OnRamp vehicle. But we rarely share the incredible “after” stories - how their lives were transformed through the gift of a car. So each week for the next couple of months, you’ll hear about the profound impact that reliable vehicles have made in the lives of our dedicated clients over the years. This is more than just a campaign; it’s a celebration of resilience, growth, and the power of transformation.

Join us as we unveil these inspiring journeys, and stay tuned for updates to the dedicated page on our website that showcases these remarkable stories. Let’s honor the hard work and triumph of our clients together. And if you feel led by these stories to help us assist more clients like this young mom, please visit our GIVE page and make a monthly or one-time gift.