From Nigeria with Love
Nothing more reliable than a simple Corolla. And this one even has crank windows - so less to break.
Our 187th client is a family from Nigeria: a mom and dad with their young son and newborn daughter. The husband is a doctoral student at TAMU working incredibly hard to complete his studies and care for his growing family. They were nominated by our friends at Grace Bible Church who actually paid the airfare to bring this man’s wife and children here to the US after he’d arrived for school. Now with a reliable Toyota Corolla of his own, he can continue excelling in school, take his family on day trips, and take his children to appointments and school. We are so grateful to partner with Grace Bible Church to bless another international student family!
Flood Driving Tips
A College Station driver made the national news this week in the worst sort of way. This short clip from the Weather Channel went viral, showing a sedan driving through high water during our recent flooding rain. What appears to be a parking lot is actually a submerged creek. That car is now trash. When even a small amount of water gets sucked into a running engine, it causes hydro-lock. The engine seizes and thousands of dollars of damage occurs instantly. So, here’s the tip: DO NOT EVER FOR ANY REASON DRIVE IN FLOODWATERS! Unless you have an off-road vehicle and know what you’re doing and what hazards are under that water, don’t take the risk. It could have been far worse if that water was moving fast because it could have trapped the driver and taken her life. So turn around, don’t drown.
Coastal Bend Client In Need
OnRamp is expanding to the Coastal Bend and we have our second client to serve out of Victoria, TX. This amazing single mom works up to 100 hours per week, at three jobs to make ends meet. We would love to bless her with a great low-mileage Honda Fit that we’ve found, but we need to raise approximately $8,000 to cover it. If you have ANY connection to the Coastal Bend or any friends or family there, please share Leticia's story below with them. If you can give towards this need, visit our "GIVE" page and write "Coastal Bend" in the comment line of your online gift or on the memo line of your check. Thanks!!
"Leticia Alvarado is my name. I’m 43 years old and a single mother of three children, however only one living child. I was born in Washington state, but Texas raised and have lived in Victoria the majority of my life. I currently hold three jobs to make ends meet. In January my car started giving me problems and eventually I was unable to drive it. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I’m able to make it to work. Working is essential to survival and a way of life. I’m very grateful for such blessing and hope to continue to set an example for my family as well as my community. Thank you God and thank you OnRamp for helping me improve my quality of life."
First Car Care Clinic Success
Last week, we invited our clients to our office for a vehicle clinic. This was an opportunity for clients to ask questions, check out any maintenance issues, and learn more about their vehicle so they feel more confident behind the wheel. And every client received a free Drew's Car Wash gift card! We were so happy to see our clients face to face, hear their life updates, see their children, and pray for them! We will be doing this regularly, so to all our clients - keep an eye out in your inbox for details on the next workshop.