Client 219: Navy Veteran Walking 8 Miles a Day

Our 219th client, who will remain anonymous, is an honorably discharged Navy veteran who lives in Brenham. This single mom of two children, one with special needs, exemplifies one of the essential characteristics we look for in all OnRamp clients: willingness to work hard even before receiving a vehicle. Want proof? She got a job as a tax preparer, but it was four miles from home. So she has been walking eight miles a day, every workday, rain or shine, and that is with bad knees and through constant pain. She walked that eight miles a day last week when the temperature was in the 20’s!

No working mother should have to walk hours a day on top of working full time and raising her kids. Fortunately, her advocate at the Veterans Service Office in Washington County heard about OnRamp and nominated her to us. She applied, passed our interview, and was welcomed into our program. That’s when our partners at Brazos Valley Cares, a local veterans support organization, stepped in to donate $5,000 towards purchasing a vehicle for this worthy veteran. OnRamp doubled their gift and we purchased, repaired, and prepped a great Toyota sedan that we donated to her yesterday. Her first stop after the tax office was the grocery store. For the first time in months, she’d be driving her groceries home rather than walking all those miles with bags in tow!

Our founder, Blake (left), with this client’s advocate, Eric, who helps coordinate veteran assistance in Washington county.

Thank you to Joe Dewolf for finding the vehicle, Christian Brothers for prepping it, and, once again, Brazos Valley Cares for your generous and amazing partnership on this vehicle!