Client’s reaction to the first time sitting in her new car. She was so excited and couldn’t believe how nice it was!
This week saw another milestone: OnRamp donated our first vehicle to a client in the Rio Grande Valley! Our newly formed RGV volunteer team gifted this Toyota Camry to a retired nurse in her 70’s nominated by her church. This dear woman has volunteered countless hours since joining the church decades ago. She teaches kids about Jesus in the Children’s Ministry and volunteers with women’s ministry. As her advocate wrote us, ”She is a very independent hard-working person who loves giving and serving the Lord through the church.”
Unfortunately, she was taken advantage of financially not long ago, which left her without the funds to replace her twenty-year-old broken down car. This stranded her at home and cost her freedom and independence. Thankfully, God brought together a team of volunteers led by Debi and Trey Crouch to begin the work of OnRamp along the Texas border. We interviewed this sweet woman and gave her a few action steps which she rapidly completed, including applying for additional benefits she was owed. As soon as her steps were complete, our good friend Joe in Colorado found this Camry for us and shipped it to Christian Brothers Schertz in San Antonio for service. With a clean bill of health, Trey caught a ride and drove the car all the way down to McAllen where the team cleaned it up and donated it to this worthy woman. The only modification they had to make was remove the ski rack it came with… probably not something she’ll need in south Texas :-)
Client with some of the RGV team, including Debi on the right.
It seems that God may have larger things in mind for OnRamp. The Brazos Valley, DFW, Coastal Bend, now the Rio Grande Valley. Where to next? Perhaps it’s time to think bigger. We are so very grateful to be along for the ride!