If we could give only one thing to our clients besides a reliable car, it would be the belief that they are infinitely loved, not just by us, but far more importantly by their Father in Heaven. I have become convinced over 17 years of pastoral ministry and 5 years of leading OnRamp that the single most powerful belief to which we can cling is that our Creator genuinely loves us, not just as a group, but as individuals. He loves YOU. He favors YOU. He likes YOU. Not a little, but more than you can imagine. In a world full of pain and disappointment, this one truth changes everything.
Tasha (left) with her wonderful advocate JoAnn (middle).
We can see this in the life of our 138th client, a local single mom named Tasha. She used to be an addict, but has completely turned her life around through a faith-based treatment program that grounded her in the faithful love of God. She is now able to work, attend church and Bible study, care for her kids and grandkids, and even volunteer with her advocate agency, The Nest. They are the local addiction recovery ministry to whom OnRamp donated a Tahoe a year ago. As their director, JoAnn, proves, the love of God can transform a former addict into someone who saves addicts! JoAnn helped Tasha recover from addiction and, when she saw how lack of a vehicle hamstrung Tasha’s employment and volunteer opportunities, brought her to us. We are so grateful for the opportunity to bless Tasha with a great car of her own!
The board and staff of OnRamp believe so deeply in the transformative power of God’s love that we recently created this short video for all of our clients to watch, and hope it will be a blessing to you, too!
One quick reminder: we are still collecting items for our upcoming silent auction fund raiser next month. Ideas that come to mind are gift certificates to fun restaurants, places and experiences, athletic-signed paraphernalia, fun household items, jewelry type stuff, credits/certificates for services, AirBNB stays, etc. Please reach out to me at blakej@onramptx.org if your business or family would be interested in donating to this cause to help us serve many more families in need of transportation in our community!