We have so much to share in this week’s update! Our 115th and 116th clients received vehicles, our Vehicle Team Lead, Jeremy Smith, won a huge national award for his service to OnRamp, and our annual Carwash is THIS WEEKEND. So let’s jump in!
Client D with our team member, Bettye, giving her a Bible. Picture blurred to preserve client’s privacy.
Our 115th client, “D” received this Toyota Corolla through your generous donations. This godly woman constantly cares for family and friends. She was up till almost midnight the evening before the donation washing loads of clothing at a laundromat for a disabled elderly relative who depends on her. She helps several community members receive the care they need by ensuring they make their medical appointments and have food to eat. When her previous vehicle broke down, she was sent to OnRamp for help. Unfortunately, it was well beyond repair. So we simply gave her a new one! This Corolla will help her get to her own physical therapy appointments and the grocery store, as well as continue to care for her elderly family and neighbors. Fun fact, her advocate, Francine, is actually a former OnRamp client, too! She has known D for twenty years and wanted her to experience the freedom that comes from the gift of a reliable car. And finally, D heard that OnRamp often gives clients a new Bible when we give them a car (if we have them in stock and if the client would like one). She wanted one, but we were out. Grace Bible Church came to the rescue with two boxes of new Bibles, and our team enthusiastically took her one for herself and one for her daughter!
Our 116th client, “T” is a member of a wonderful local church that has poured into his life for years while he has struggled through medical disability due to a very bad back injury twelve years ago that left him partially paralyzed. He had to sell his car to help pay medical bills. Once he was back on his feet, he had to walk, bike, or rely on the church when transportation was needed. Sadly, the local bus doesn’t run on weekends, meaning he couldn’t get to church unless the church sent a ride. He felt like a prisoner in his own home. But all that changed through your generosity! With the funds many of you donated, we bought T this excellent Toyota Yaris. It’s perfect transportation for him: efficient, surprisingly roomy, and it only had 54,000 miles. It should last him a decade. Thank you so much for helping us give FREEDOM to both D and T!
Now on to an award. We are so proud of our very own Jeremy Smith, general manager at Christian Brothers Automotive in Bryan and College Station, who out of all the employees at all the Christian Brothers Automotive locations in the country, won the 2022 Lighthouse Award! This is a huge deal. One employee in their entire organization wins this annual award for being a light to their community through selfless service that goes beyond the job. Jeremy won due to the countless hours he has donated outside of work to build and oversee our Vehicle Team, repair our clients' cars, and build an incredible vehicle tracking database. Well done, my friend!
Finally, our annual Carwash is THIS SATURDAY, 9am to noon at the A&M Church of Christ. We would LOVE to have all of you come support our ministry and get your car washed. We’ll have expert detailers running the show, games to play, and prizes to win. If you’d like to volunteer to help us wash cars, please email me ASAP at blakej@onramptx.org and I’ll add you to our volunteer list. If you can’t make the event but want to donate to our cause, please see the picture below with donation QR code or click HERE.