Yesterday saw a major milestone in OnRamp’s story: we served our 200th client with the gift of a reliable vehicle! Linda, a single mom of two young children, has diligently completed classes and programs with Brenham Pregnancy Center to provide a better life for her family. She has a great job, but has had to rely on the kindness of friends to get to the places she needs to go, including work. Her ability to grow her income and provide a better life for her kids stalled simply for lack of a reliable set of wheels to get around the Brazos Valley.
Fortunately, God moved in the heart of a generous local family who donated a low-mileage sedan to OnRamp last month. Christian Brothers Automotive and Discount Tire handled the small amount of maintenance it needed, and our staff and board took it to Brenham to bless this highly deserving woman. With her new reliable ride, she will be able to go anywhere she needs, including visiting her mother and grandmother for the first time in years. Her advocates, the staff team at BPC, has nothing but wonderful things to say about Linda and her children. And while we’re on that topic, let us say how much we enjoyed working with this organization. They are doing wonderful and life changing work in Brenham.
Staff of Brenham Pregnancy Center with our 200th client, Linda (center with keys)
The first hundred clients took OnRamp four and a half years. The second hundred took just two years and three months; exactly half the amount of time. And that doesn’t include all the clients served by our expansion affiliate in DFW! We thank the Lord for the growth He has allowed us, and pray that it would continue if He so wills. May every Texan like Linda eventually have an OnRamp in their community meeting this vital need!
To read the story on KBTX, click HERE